The sweet Stafford family resides in Kansas and they vacation here in Breckenridge twice a year. They come for the beauty of summer before their kids go back to school and in the wintertime for all the great skiing to be had on Breckenridge and Keystone ski mountain. We were so fortunate when they reached out requesting a family session on their last vacation trip to town!
This family was too much fun! The three kids were extremely energetic and rambunctious, you will see as you look through the photos. During family sessions, we find that a lot of parents feel like their kids are being out of control/ too chaotic while we are trying to shoot. Often the parents get frustrated by their (many) attempts to instruct their children to behave. However, something we have seen in many family sessions is that as long as your kids are having fun we are generally able to snap great photos! During this session, little brother was going through a Spider-Man phase and he would “spidey” pose every chance he had– He brought a lot of laughter and joy into the session with those poses.
We do not think we could have asked for a better day to capture their love as a family! During their session, we explored, laughed, and soaked up every moment. It was almost as if time stopped for us. If only time would slow down like that more often. Until then, we’ll keep doing our best to continue to preserve moments likes these.
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